Yesterday, I just realize that my lovely face got pimples. Two- big- red- pimples. How pathetic is that? Eeeeeeiiii...!!! I just can't except that my face got pimples. Yes, I know that pimples is a process of maturity. Am so lucky that, GOD kurniakan aku dengan clean face. Thank u Allah. But, can you imagine, I have two different spot of pimples on my face, really big. The colour is like red- pink. And its so itchy okay, and my hand can't manage to control the itchy-ness. Asyik nak garu sahaja. With white- kuning langsat- skin, once you garu muka kau, jelas kelihatan merahnya. For your information, I used a lot of facial wash, lotions, creams and srubs just to get rid all this pimples. But at the end of the day, datang jualah ini puaka niyang rapik (diambil sempena drama seram terbaru tv3).
Ada lagi satu jerawat kat dahi. Tapi tak nak edit. Nanti nampak macam tambi pula
List of my facial wash:
- Natural scrubs- You know what!
- Clean water.
And here is my list of lotions & creams:
- Johnson's baby lotion
- Olay ape entah
Actually ada beberapa barang lagi yang aku nak list-kan, tapi nanti ada ynag kata aku ni, poyolah, feminism-lah, paling teruk nanti ada yang kata aku ni metrosexsual = gay. (benci)
And a few troubles that I face is:
- My check is so itchy
- kutil jadi merah tompok- tompok
- Imbalance of tones of colour skins.
- Malulah, jerawat besar!!!
P/S: aku berasa sangat takut sekarang. tingkat terbuka, bagi tajuk entry play yang bukan-bukan. segeralah takut. takut ada benda yang bukan- bukan mengintai.. eeee... seram
8 tenggelam:
bykkan minum air. so that toksin kotot keluar melalui urine dan tak masuk ruang darah.
btw, byk gila ko guna cream?
aku guna nutrimetics, cleanser, toner and moisturizer. hoho. jgn kau gi picit or sentuh2 jerawat tu sudah.
u know what, jerawat aku dah makin besar sekarang..
eeeeii... tak sukanya
natural scrub xthn!!!! hahahahaha
ala.. w'pun ade 2 ketul jerawat.. ko tetap MEGHA!
danny, kulit ko bukan teruk pun, nape guna scrubs heh?
ps:saye noob dalam hal kosmetik.
i pakai ZA cleansing foam product isnt by the way u know bas ape eh dari pudu ke a.gajah..i saw thread u yg dari alor gajah tu.. i tak pernah pergi alor gajah naik bas..huhu..sok nak pergi..waaa..
DicKiE aDaMs said...
natural scrub xthn!!!! hahahahaha
ala.. w'pun ade 2 ketul jerawat.. ko tetap MEGHA!
Hans said...
Betul2..apa2pun ko tetap megha tahap dewa
dickie: looooooove laha aku kan? tp kan uols, aku looooove pakai natural scrub!!! fuhhh... terasa mcm pakai susuk.. segeralah mega.
utk kepuasan diri sendiri aliya.. hahahaha... tanya la diaorang. betapa bestnya pakai natural scrub!
noorhidayah teridi: za okay lah. cepat menghilangkan jerawat.
naik bas maraliner @ bas jebat. terus sampai alor gajah. naik bas delima pun boleh.
hans: aku biasa- biasa je.
wahhhhh...... ibu segala ratu dh tnjuk taring nmpak... byk nye ko gna scrubs ye... ptut la plastik je aku tgk mke ko.... hua3..... nehhh apa ko rasak.... hak3....
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