First of all, I would like to say sorry to those invovled with this entry directly or indirectly... Especially to Mr. Nasrul Faiz because aku copek gambar ko kat myspace tanpa kebenaran...
Second of all, this entry specially made for my friend who currently celebrating his 21st year old birthday yesterday... (Sorry kakak, sampai skunk aku tak wish birthday ko...).
Third of all, this entry also specially made for those who actaully "Graduate" after spending three year in the prison of UiTM Melaka.. Hahahaha... (I'm gonna miss those Bitches)
Mr. Nazrul Faiz, I officially would like to wish u a Happy Belated Birthday. I met this guy three years ago. During the Auditon, untuk jadi pengacara, and during that time we celebrating our first Fesscomm (masa tue kita masing2 berada dibawah tampok pimpinan AKAK RICKY- Mak Hayam besar fakulti masscomm). Because of I'm not well prepared, he help me alot to ensure that I can go to the next stage- I can sense it FAiz!!! hahaha...
Back then, dia part two, and aku part one. During this time, perbezaan jurang senior and junior sangat la ketara kerna baru ada dua genarasi untuk faculti masscomm. Tapi I don't see that thing when I saw him. Bukan la nak mengampu tapi dia memang x macam senior2 masscomm yang lain.
Later on, nak dijadikan cerita, we become close as me and him menjadi PM. It was last year if im not mistaken. Masa tue aku part four, and dye part five. we had a lot of fun. Although we're tired cause we have to take care of our self and also all the spoil-brat-part-one, but we manage to make our self happy because of you.
Ingat tak?
1. Kita keluar makan Pizza ramai2 nak kereta Boy?
2. Kita bagi nama dekat semua BDP yang ala2 blur, mcm Tia Pedreson laloya latote lalovang?
3. Ko berebutkan K.*. dengan nuar? Bukan K (bukan nama sebenar) je, tapi N*# sekali. hahahaha...
4. mcm mana perkataan MEGA & SEGHEM tue boleh popular?
Dear readers, aku pernah sekali keluarkan entry pasal Faiz, klu nak baca la entry ni