Start from my birthday, aku kena lapor diri untuk Jambori Komander Kesatia. Start from that day, I don’t even had a changes to on9. And even worst, when few of my friends’ terasa bila aku menyepikan diri, tak bagi comment, tak reply comment. But what to do, work come first! Although am exhausted, but im enjoyed working like this. But seriously, now, all the work done have reach the limit. No one can’t bertahan dah untuk buat semuanya . Sekarang semua dah mula penat dan our productivity of work starts to get down.
Can you imagine, when you look at the schedule, you already fell the pressure and all. But with the wisdom from our leader “mind over matter” makes us work with full of our heart, giving all out and trying to do the best.
Here I list down my schedule:
5:00 A.M.: Bangun Pagi/ bersiap sedia
5:40 A.M.: Solat Subuh
6:40 A.M.: Pt Pagi/ senaman
8:00 A.M.: Breakfast
8.30 A.M.: Kumpul and meeting. We did all the work here. Go to this and that department. Painting, kemas dewan and everything here.
12:30 P.M.: Lunch
12:45 P.M.: Balik mandi
1:00 P.M.: Pergi masjid, solat zohor
2:00 P.M.: Kumpul and sambung meeting
4:00 P.M.: solat asar
4:45 P.M.: Latihan kawad kaki
7:00 P.M.: Balik makan, siap mandi.
7:45 P.M.: solat maghrib & isyak
8:30 P.M.: Post- mortem for today
10.00 P.M.: Latihan Kebudayaan.
12:00 – 1.00 A.M.: Balik and terus tidur.
These are my activity start from 1st December 2008. And all of us do it well without fail every days and nights.